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A famous Chinese-American writer Amy Tan’s work The Joy Luck Club describes the traditional Chinese education methods that the mothers use to educate their daughters who are born and grow up in the United States. The education causes a series of conflicts. This paper explores the differences between Chinese and American family education on the basis of the analysis of the cultural differences between China and the United States.


Key words: family education; The Joy Luck Club; mother and daughter; culture shock and culture link






2. Literature Review-1

3. The Relationship between the Mothers and the Daughters-2

3.1 The conflicts between the mothers and the daughters-2

3.2 Mothers’ great expectations for daughters-4

3.3 Daughters’ understanding of mothers’ love-5

4. The Cultural Factors of Family Education-6

4.1 Culture difference between the East and the West-6

4.2 Cultural understanding and blending-9

5. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-11
