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Pragmatic failure is an inevitable phenomenon in cross-cultural communication. It is common to fail or misunderstand the speakers’ rules and meanings in cross-cultural communication. Some English learners often make pragmatic failures which express improperly or make the incorrect understanding. The thesis is intended to introduce the pragmatic failure in general and analyze some causes of the pragmatic failure, and put forward the countermeasures, which can improve the pragmatic competence in the cross-cultural communication.


Keywords: pragmatic failure; cross-cultural communication; pragmatic






1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Analysis of Pragmatic Failure -2

3.1 Pragmatics, pragmatic Failure, cross-cultural communication-2

3.2 Influences of pragmatic failure-3

4. Causes and Types of Pragmatic Failure -4

4.1 Causes of pragmatic failure-4

4.2 Types of pragmatic failure-6

5.Countermeasures of Pragmatic Failure-7

6. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-11
