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This thesis is based on the studies of vocabulary teaching in the light of metaphor. It makes a brief research on metaphorical concepts with its classifications, function and formation reasons. This paper simply introduces current condition of English vocabulary teaching and its disadvantage. It is imperative for metaphor to be inserted into vocabulary teaching only to make vocabulary teaching and vocabulary acquisition in a better way. The last but not least thing is the applications of metaphor in vocabulary teaching. The author lists some ways to follow to achieve the goal. The enlightenment drew from this research is that to get better results, teachers should introduce metaphorical thinking mode to students, guide students to know cultural features of each metaphor implied and develop students’ metaphorical awareness and metaphorical competence. It is not how many words and phrases the students receive matters. On the contrary, it is how the students know the words, what skills they grasp and how to use the skills that matters.


Keywords: metaphorical concept; current situation of vocabulary teaching; 







2.Literature Review.1

2.1 The definition of metaphor2

2.2 The significance of English vocabulary teaching3

3.Metaphorical Concepts3

3.1 Metaphorical concepts and its classifications4

3.2 Metaphorical concepts and its functions.5

3.3 Metaphorical concepts and its formation reasons.6

4.The Application of Metaphor to English Vocabulary Teaching.7

4.1 The current situation of English vocabulary teaching.7

4.2 The ways metaphor is brought into vocabulary teaching8

4.2.1 To introduce metaphorical thinking mode to students9

4.2.2 To guide students to know cultural features of each metaphor implied.10

4.2.3 To cultivate metaphorical awareness and metaphorical competence.11

5. Conclusion12

Works Cited.13
