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In British literature, desert island literature, with its distinctive glamour, plays a significant role in the literary history. With the development of feminist literary criticism, the female characters have attracted more and more attention. By combining cultural and textual analyses, the thesis will detailedly analyze the absence of women in British desert island literature from three classical novels in three centuries which are respectively Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe in the 18th century, The Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne in the 19th century, and Lord of the Flies by William Golding in the 20th century, to explore the marginalization of women's status and male chauvinism as well as the gender imbalance that leads to social disharmony. And through the analysis of female absence in desert island literature, the thesis will reach a conclusion on the importance of gender equality in modern society.


Key words: British desert island literature; the absence of women; 

          Robinson Crusoe; The Coral Island; Lord of the Flies






2.Literature Review1

3.British Desert Island Literature .3

3.1 The concept and features of desert island literature3

3.2 The origin and development of desert island literature.5

4.The Absence of Women in British Island Literature.6

4.1 Robinson Crusoe.7

4.2 The Coral Island.10

4.3 Lord of the Flies12

5.The Connections between These Three works.15


Works Cited17
