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With the increasingly rapid development of the modern advertisement industry, advertisements play a vital role in the global commerce activities. By utilizing a representative varied medium of exchange as the valid approach, consumers’ desire and consumption to business services are set up by themselves. The advertising puns, as the vehicle of data interchange and delivery, plays an absolutely necessary part. Not only direct speech act but also indirect speech act is one of the most important motive power to lure consumers’ purchase.This thesis explains English advertisements puns from Speech Act Theory. The author hold the view that the efficiency and effectiveness of direct speech act help both side in commercial exchanges to obtain agreements rapidly.The mild and roundabout phrases decrease the possibilities in implacable business conflicts. Either direct speech acts or indirect speech acts has its own merits.Therefore,researcher should take a comprehensive view of the general situation.The research of thesis represent that from the view of speech act theory English advertising puns typically exist three main characteristics:homophone,synonymy and parody.It also excavates the effective devices of remote exchange with the advertisements of new generation electric network techniques by using speech act theory into advertising puns.


Keywords: speech act theory; Direct speech act;Indirect speech act;English advertisements; pun





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 The research of advertisement home and aboard-2

2.2 The research of advertising pun home and aboard-3

3. Theoretical Foundation-4

3.1 The definition of Speech Acts-4

3.2 The classification of Speech Acts-5

3.3 The function of Speech Acts-6

4. Cases analysis in Speech Acts-7

4.1 Homophone-7

4.2 Synonymy-9

4.3 Parody-11

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
