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Vanity Fair is the masterpiece of William Makepeace Thackeray, the famous critical realist in the 19th century . In this thesis, by comparing the personalities of Amelia and Becky, the different attitudes towards marriage, living environment including their family members and the social situation of them, we can see that this thesis deeply analyzes the totally different fates of the two heroines. So that it can ironically reveal the hypocritical face of the bourgeoisie who are desperate to pursue fame and fortune and go in for intrigues and conspiracy, and the phenomenon of the whole society being infatuated with money and unable to be satisfied. This paper aims to analyze the two heroines’ fates to help readers understand Vanity Fair from different positions and have a deeper understanding on Thackeray. Because both Becky and Amelia, although Thackeray used the surface of the irony to depict characters, but in his heart , he still had a kind of sympathy for the two girls.


Keywords: Fate; Becky; Amelia; Vanity Fair






1.1. William Makepeace Thackeray-1

1.2. Vanity Fair-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Comparison of Becky and Amelia’s Fates in Vanity Fair-3

3.1. Becky’s destiny-3

3.2. Amelia’s fates-4

4. Reasons for Their Different Fates-4

4.1. Social situation in Victorian Era-4

4.2. Living environment-5

4.3. Different characters and attitudes towards love and marriage-6

5.Practical Significance-9

6. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-11
