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Hedge is a useful way for people to communicate and exchange ideas with each other. As an important part of fuzzy language, hedge has contributed greatly to the study of fuzzy language. Since the concept and theory of fuzzy linguistics were proposed in 1960's, researchers have made many systematic descriptive studies on hedges, especially in the aspects of semantics. So how to make a good use of hedges has become an interesting question for negotiators.

This thesis first analyzes the hedge’s definition and classification. Within the framework of cooperative principle and politeness principle, the thesis, then, studies the pragmatic functions of hedges in business negotiation and testifies the importance of hedges in business negotiations. 

Keywords: hedges; business negotiation; pragmatic functions






2.Literature Review..1

3.The Definition and Classifications of Hedges2

3.1 The definitions of hedges..2

3.2 The classifications of hedges..3

4.Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Business Negotiation..4

4.1 Hedges in business negotiation 4

4.2 Cooperative principles5

4.3 Politeness principles6

5.Pragmatic Functions of Hedges in Business Negotiation.7

5.1 The positive role of pragmatic hedges in business negotiation7

5.2 The negative role of pragmatic hedges in business negotiation..11


Works Cited.14
