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The article is mainly talking about the election of leaders in China and America, which including the introduction of the election of Chairman in China and that of President in America, the similarities of election of leaders between China and America, the different electoral system and the style of leaders’ speech between President Xi and President Trump. What’s more, the most important purpose of the article is to learn the advantages of the election of the United States to improve the electoral system of China. 


Keywords: electoral system; similarities; differences





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The Introduction of the Leaders of Election in China and America-2

3.1 The introduction of leaders of election in China-2

3.2 The introduction of leaders of election in America-2

4. The Similarities of Election between China and America-3

4.1 The universal principle of the right to vote-3

4.2 The principle of the equality of elections-4

4.3 The principle of secret ballot.5

4.4 The principle of combining direct elections with indirect elections.6

4.5 The principle of competitive election7

5. The Differences of the Election between China and America.8

5.1 The difference of electoral system between China and America9

5.2 The difference of speech styles between President Xi and Trump10

6. Discussion.11

7. Conclusion-12

Works Cited.13
