
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(龚老师)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-23
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Since 2001, English has become a required subject for our students in China. Though primary English has little content, but it is a little bit difficult for the students that never touch with this subject. Many parents and teachers all understand that“ Interest is a good teacher to learn a foreign language. ” Interest is the most important thing to master a language, so it’s a fundamental task to inspire pupil’s interest in learning English. Luckily, many teachers have realized that remember words mechanically is very boring for students and they start to use the game to teach vocabulary. Using game teaching methods to teach words is an effective way to achieve goals. Children’s ability and creativity can be trained when play games. They can also learn how to cooperate and help with each other quickly . This article focuses on how to teach vocabulary with game teaching and explore the strategy of using it correctly.


Key words: primary English; vocabulary teaching; game teaching





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature review-2

2.1The definition of the game and game teaching-2

2.2Characters of using games in English vocabulary-2

3. Types of game teaching-3

4. Vocabulary teaching-4

4.1 Memorization-4

4.2 The strategies of vocabulary teaching-5

4.3 The questions of learning new words-5

5. The strategies of primary game teaching method-5

5.1The effects of using game teaching to teach vocabulary-5

5.2The procedure of primary game teaching-6

5.3Methods of teaching words with game teaching-8

6. Conclusion-9

Works Cited-11
