
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(龚老师)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-23
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Translation constitutes an indispensable part of modern society. The incorporation of Chinese-English translation into College English Test Brand-6 since 2013 fully reflects this trend with increasing variety of test format and level of difficulty. Following the cultural strategy of "Chinese culture going global", this thesis seeks a socio-linguistic insight into the translation section in College English Test Band-6 on the basis of the research findings of translation studies, analyzing frequently-occurring errors of candidates in order to introduce a pragmatic approach to success in exam-oriented translation set at this level.


Keywords: Exam-oriented translation; errors; pragmatic approach; College English Test Brand-6





1. Introduction-1

2. Brief Introduction to Exam-oriented Translation-1

2.1 Importance of acquiring translation skills-1

2.2 Reform of CET-6 and testing targets of CET-6 translation-2

3. Frequent-occuring Mistakes in Exam-oriented Translation-3

3.1 Misunderstanding of the Chinese original-3

3.2 Syntacial disorder-3

3.3 Improper translation of culturally-loaded Chinese expressions-3

4. Pragmatic Approaches to Chinese-English Translation in CET-6-4

4.1 Finding the subject-4

4.2 Adding the modifiers-5

4.3 Back- translation-6

4.4 Simplification-7

4.5 Conducting comparative study on Chinese and English-7

5. Conclusion-8

Works Cited-9
