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Idiomatic expressions, an important part of language, is a kind of wide fixed phrases with particular meanings which plays an increasingly important role in people’s daily life. Chinese and Westerners are accustomed to using idiomatic expressions on account of concision and humor. English, the language with high utilization rate in modern society, has been taken more seriously. The importance of English Chinese translation is prominent day by day. Idiomatic expressions in English-Chinese translation, the essence of national language and the pith of culture, has been a domain that constantly pursued by scholars. However, the cultural differences are too difficult to make the process handy. To a great extent, the accuracy of the translation was affected by them, especially idiomatic expressions. We ought to keep an eye on this phenomenon.

This thesis penetrates into internal problem and starts an investigation into the field. With much considerable academic help, the author makes the discussion on the problems and countermeasures of idiomatic expressions in English-Chinese translation under the perspective of cultural differences. The thesis analyzes the existing problems of idiomatic expressions in English-Chinese translation from the four aspects: geographical environment, religious beliefs, customs and habits and ways of thinking. Last but not least, the author tries to summarize the countermeasures from two ways. At first, it is the usage of literal translation and free translation. What’s more, the choices of referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning.


Keywords: cultural differences;idiomatic expressions in English-Chinese                

          translation;problems and countermeasures





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1The development of Idiomatic Expressions in English-Chinese translation-2

2.2The necessity of knowing cultural differences in Idiomatic Expressions between English and Chinese-4

3.Problems of Idiomatic Expressions in English-Chinese Translation under the Perspective of Cultural Differences-5

3.1Geographical environment-5

3.2Religious beliefs-7

3.3Customs and habits-8

3.4Ways of thinking-9

4.Countermeasures of Idiomatic Expressions in English-Chinese Translation under the perspective of Cultural Differences-11

4.1Literal translation and free translation-11

4.2Designative meaning, Linguistic meaning and Pragmatic meaning-13

5. Conclusion-14

Works Cited-16
