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The Silk Road is one of the most important channels in China that connect the outside world and our nation for the economic and cultural exchanges. This paper is based on the studies of the Silk Road and focuses on the influence of the Silk Road between China and the West from the perspective of economy and culture. This paper talk about this topic from the following aspects: the history of the Silk Road and how it is developed, how to define the meaning of the Belt and Road Initiative to the new Silk Road. Through the studies on the views of China and the West in the development of the Silk Road, to sum up the influence of this channel and put up a new view and give some suggestions to make it perfect. According to the study of the influence of the Silk Road, the importance of the Silk Road for cultural and economic exchanges is known clearly, so the development of its process is worth more attention


Keywords: the Silk Road; channel; the Belt and Road Initiative; the influence of the Silk Road; cultural and economic exchanges





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The Belt and Road Initiative-1

3.1 The history of the Silk Road-2

3.2 The development of the Silk Road-3

4. Views on the Belt and Road Initiative-6

4.1 Western views-6

4.2 Chinese views-7

5.Influence of the Belt and Road Initiative-8

5.1 Influence on economic exchanges-8

5.2 Influence on cultural exchanges-9

5.3 Tourism-10

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-13
