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Abstracts: Festivals are one of the aspects of a culture. With the cross-cultural communication, Chinese festivals are influenced greatly by the Western festival culture. In this paper, the author takes Christmas as an example and mainly discusses the different cultures of China and the West in terms of history and festivals. In addition, the paper analyzes some positive and negative influences of Western festivals on Chinese traditional festivals from the aspects of humanistic spirit, economy and approaches to spreading of Western festivals. Some suggestions are given in order to value and promote Chinese traditional festivals, hoping that the Chinese traditional culture will be protected and respected positively, and become more and more influential.

Key words: traditional festivals; Christmas; cultural differences





1. Introduction..1

2. Literature Review.2

3. Different Cultures of Chinese and Western Traditional Festivals3

3.1 The Origin of Chinese Festivals

3.2 The Origin of Western Festivals

4. Some Influences of Western Festivals on Chinese Traditional Culture.5

4.1 Positive Influences of Western Festivals on Chinese Traditional Culture

    4.1.1 Influences of Humanistic Spirit

    4.1.2 Influences of Economy

4.2 Negative Influences of Western Festivals on Chinese Traditional Culture

4.2.1 Approaches to Spreading of Western Festivals

5. Some Suggestions on How to Value Chinese Traditional Festivals.9

5.1 The Role of Government

5.2 The Role of Chinese Public

5.3 The Responsibility of the Chinese Youth

6. Conclusion10


