
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(Angela)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-09-02
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Abstract:With the development of international contact, English public signs mushroom around public places. It provides more benefits for foreigners who cannot understand Chinese. Although it is easy for us to detect some mistakes, spelling or grammatical mistakes for instance, which usually appear in most cases, we are often ignorant of the pragmatic failures in these public sign translations. So, it is the focus of this thesis.

   The author illustrates some false examples of public signs and the backbone of pragmatic theory, which applies to translate public signs by comparison of other pragmatic principals. This study is inclined to show that public signs will be properly translated with pragmatic translation in the context. The thesis provides some empirical analysis from a pragmatic perspective through which different versions of translation are compared. Public signs will be properly translated in accordance with a pragmatic perspective in the context. 

Key words: public signs; pragmatic principles; pragmatic translation




关键词:语用规则 公示语 语用翻译

