
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(园丁小瞳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-09-27
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Abstract:In recent years, the classroom presentation is widely used as a means of teaching, especially in English teaching. Meanwhile, researchers at home and abroad also have attached great importance to the studies of presentations. According to previous studies, the classroom presentation can improve students’ autonomous abilities, inspire their interest of learning English and improve the oral English. Nevertheless, most of these studies focused mainly on the importance of presentations and few of them analyze the problems of presentations deeply and put forward some sound solutions. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the problems of students’ presentation and put forward some solutions. 

   In this study, we first did a questionnaire investigation to look into the existing problems of students’ presentation. Then, I carried out individual interviews and class observation .Through the questionnaire investigation, individual interviews and class observation, I have found that students will meet many problems when giving presentation. But in my thesis, we mainly analyze three major problems of students’ presentation: lack of teachers’ oral feedbacks, students’ poor oral English and lack of presentation skills. Based on the existing problems, I present some solutions. I hope that this study will shed some insights on students’ presentation. Meanwhile, I hope this thesis will be beneficial to develop students’ autonomous abilities in college. And it will be helpful to improve students’ comprehensive abilities of English 

Key Words: Engish majors; students ; classroom presentation; problems; solutions



   在本次研究中,我们首先通过问卷来调查学生在做课堂展示时的存在的问题。然后以访谈的形式来研究其存在的问题。通过问卷调查,个人访谈,还有课堂分析,我发现学生在课堂展示时主要存在以下的问题:老师没有给予口头反馈, 学生缺少展示的技巧, 还有学生在课堂展示时,英语口语表达不够好,从而导致较差的课堂展示。针对其存在的问题,我提出了相对的策略来解决这些问题。我们希望本研究能为英语教学提出一些有价值的见解,同时希望此研究能更好的提高学生的自主学习的能力。有利于提高学生综合的英语能力。


