
资料分类:师范学院 VIP会员(小时代)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-29
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关键词:民族体育; 体育旅游; 抚仙湖


ABSTRACT:In this article, I used the literature material law, Interviews with experts, questionnaire research methods, and so on, investigation and analysis on station at custom sport tourismin in Fuxian Lake, from traditional sports, people favorite situation of traditional sports, and Fuxian Lake hold a series of competitions in recent years, and found some shortage about Fuxian Lake traditional sports development, and give some suggestions, for example, take full advantage of "the government leading, social participation, sports and tourism development both refinement practicality" win-win principle; public and develop custom sport tourismin market, project competitive products; strengthen introduce and foster talents in custom sport tourism, and so on, it can provide certain reference for development of custom sport tourismin in Fuxian Lake.  

Keywords: national sport; sports tourism; Fuxian Lake

