
资料分类:学前教育 VIP会员(随心所欲)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-03-18
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关键词:幼儿动画片; 影响因素; 快乐


Abstract:This is the reason and analysis of the 5-6 year old children like to watch cartoons. On the the internship Huzhou City, the third kindergarten where a group of  children,interviews and a questionnaire survey of parents on the basis of comparison of the results and analysis, reveals the impact factors of the children like to watch cartoons. The study found that: First, television has become a major way children like to watch cartoons. Second, theimpact of child care like watching cartoons by many factors, the characteristics of the cartoon related to the basis of children thinking and cognitive characteristics of children .Third, form of artistic expression is entertaining the hope that the child can grow up healthily. Given the limited time and conditions, I am only a kindergarten in the city investigation. Not enough overall representation, but still also shows that children love watching cartoons. Status and problems of the survey, the relevant recommendations of the teachers, parents of young children, help children healthy and happy way to watch cartoons.

Keywords: Children cartoon ; Influencing factors ; happy
