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摘 要:本研究以幼儿生活中经常出现的说谎行为为研究对象,根据幼儿出于不同动机而发生的说谎行为编制了四种类型的谎言故事,通过故事访谈法了解幼儿对不同说谎动机的认知、道德评价。研究结果表明:大班儿童主要是以事实成分来对说谎进行判断;大班幼儿对不同类型的说谎行为开始区别对待,道德评价开始考虑到动机因素,体现了民俗理论。



Abstract:Lying is a recurrent problem in young children in daily life, the relationship between moral development of children. Lying behavior: lying behavior for the study object of this study, children living in often occurred in the children out of different motives, the rewards lie to avoid punishment lies, sexual well-intentioned lie, joke lies. The preparation lies the story of the four types of story interviews to explore the awareness of children of different lying motivation, moral judgment and behavior options, expand the theoretical basis for the moral education of children.

Key words:lie; cognitive understanding; moral evaluation; motivation factors ; folk theory



