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Abstract: The swimming history appears after the swimming competition already started. The modern swimming had developed today already 100 remaining years of life. for 100 years, the swimming grows out of nothing; From simple technical change, to many kinds of methods and method utilization; To pays great attention the intensity and the quantity union from the pure pursue physiological load of exercise; From pays great attention to develop athlete's physical ability pays equal attention to the development to the emphasis technology and the special ability. Said simply, swimming development with people regarding swimming project essence understanding close relation. Along with the people regarding swimming movement essence's more thorough research and the understanding, the swimming development also entered a new stage. Swam the worker regarding our country, a most important spot, was we must have more profound and the science idea, must establish to the swimming movement understanding in the science thinking mode foundation, this point was very important. Therefore, the research and the analysis world swimming trend of development, will have the vital significance regarding the next better assurance training's direction.

key word: Swimming technology; method; learn approach; breaststroke
