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Abstract:The populace body-building exercises is a mass sports important component,is present many likes to look good person's first choice fitness project 。Its development cannot leave the mass sports the development,cannot leave social the development。This article uses the literature material law, the oral visit and the comparison test and so on to participated in the body-building exercises exercise the crowd to carry on the investigation,the research thought :the populace body-building exercises has the fitness value, the cultural value, the economic value and the political value ;Through analysis body-building exercises project characteristic and value ,causes the people to understand that the science, carries on the body-building exercises exercise effectively ,thus causes more people to participate in the body-building exercises movement in the ranks ,thus strengthens all the people physique ,promotes all the people health ,enhances all the people accomplishment,dissemination sports culture;In turn also well impels the body-building exercises the development, causes it to serve well for the humanity. 

Keywords: Populace body-building exercises;Characteristic;Exercise value 
