
资料分类:论文精选 VIP会员(fuyifan)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-29
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关键词:农村小工业    现状    影响


Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of township enterprises, many scholars do further study on the development of township enterprises, employment system, technological innovation and other aspects. Small industries in rural areas is a kind of township enterprises, founded entirely by the farmers themselves, relying on the individual's experience of farmers. It is commonly found in rural areas and it made ​​an important contribution to the development of the rural economy, but there is little research on it. This article aims to adopt the methods of observation and interviews, interview with small industrial operators and the villagers, preliminary analyze small status quo of the industry, operators, laborers, structure and function of small industries in rural areas, and explore the impact of small industries in rural areas. Through the observation of Zhongxin village industries, small industries, it has some common characters in rural areas, such as small-scale, low quality of labor, low technology. At the same time, small industries in rural areas have a positive impact on the economy, employment, relationships, and village appearance.

Key words:    Rural small industries    the status quo    influence
