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ABSTRACT:Civil servants incentive mechanism directly related to the work of our civil service efficiency and the functions of the government's work. According to Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs, and the needs of the people from the most basic physiological needs to senior self realization needs to develop, each level of need to keep satisfied is the process of the development process of life. Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs to our country civil servants of incentive mechanism of salary system, welfare insurance system, evaluation system, the training system, promotion system has a profound and the perfection of the reference and guidance, however our country of the current civil servant incentive mechanism, there are still some problems, so, with Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs as the Angle of view, in the "people-oriented" concept, to our country civil servants of incentive mechanism of suggested for further improvement.

Key words: Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs; Civil servant incentive mechanisms; problems; countermeasures



