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关键词: 广州市民,赴日旅游,旅游行为


Abstract:In recent years, Chinese visitors to Japan to tourism increased year by year, in Japan's entry tourism income in the proportion of increasing, gradually become Japan's "cash cow" tourism industry, but from 2011 "3 · 11" earthquake, the Chinese people to travel, the rapid increase of the momentum to an abrupt end, how to develop China's residents go to day tourism market, becoming an important practical problem. This article in this context to travel to Japan to relevant policy literature as a starting point, first analysis of China to Japan residents of tourism development trend and related policies, on the basis of the questionnaire survey method, in order to guangzhou citizens went to Japan and the will of the travel and tourism consumption behavior patterns for empirical research. Combined with the data analysis, this article discusses how to develop guangzhou citizens go to day tourism market, in order to promote the guangzhou to the entry tourism sunrise healthy development.

Key Words: Guangzhou citizens; Japanese tourism; Tourism behavior

