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Abstract:With the rapid development of our society and economy, China’s tourism industry has also been a good development. Increase in the number of tourists, the expansion of the tourist destination, the complexity of the tourism industry will inevitably lead to increased risk of tourism. The extent of losses caused by the different risk in the tourism process showing a trend of increasing year on year. Stage, tourists concern are concentrated in the tourism consumer knowledge and tourist awareness of rights, but rarely pay attention to their own sense of responsibility and risk awareness. This is inconsistent with the pace of rapid development of China’s tourism industry. Therefore, the strengthening of tourists travel risks and awareness is an urgent need.

This article aimed at the tourism status of a security risk preventive measures, to arouse people’s awareness of travel risks in order to maximum security, safety and tourist satisfaction with the least cost to tourists in the tourism proces.

Key Words: Tourists, risk awareness,preventive measures



