
资料分类:历史论文 VIP会员(姐妹花)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-19
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关键词:劳务派遣   派遣单位   劳动合同法   市场准入制度


Abstract: This thesis's main part is promoting the dispatch and overcoming the defects through investigation of dispatch.It advances the improving suggestion in market access system,the obligations and responsibilities of dispatch units.Market access system,the obligations and responsibilities of dispatch units restrict the dispatch units in different time.These three points are the the main content of this article .The thesis introduces and analysis the market access system at home abroad to find the disadvantage about Labor Contract Law of China and get the conclusions that increasing the level of market access system could control the development of dispatch better.Then the thesis introduces the obligations of dispatching units to reach the conclusion that the regulation of obligation has to refine and improve the improving suggestion.And research of responsibilities is mainly concentrating in the joint responsibility .The law about dispatch units presently bring high risk and responsibilities to dispatch units.Then it puts forward the suggestion to reduce the risk and responsibilities of dispatch units.

Key words:Labour dispatch  Dispatch unit   Labor Contract Law   Market-access system

