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内容摘要: 侦查讯问是侦查人员依照法定程序以言词方式向犯罪嫌疑人查问案件事实和其它与案件有关问题的一种诉讼活动。讯问制度体现为犯罪嫌疑人的口供的过滤和保障,而口供获取时的真实性和任意性成为程序正义的必然要求。因此,无论是大陆法系还是英美法系都有一套完整的诉讼程序对刑事侦查讯问制度加以规制,这对保证犯罪嫌疑人不受强制供述,实现诉讼公正有着重要的意义。我国的侦查讯问制度目前还存在不少问题,我国比较注重讯问的结果价值, 即获取犯罪嫌疑人的口供,这就使得在侦查讯问制度的设计上较多地考虑了如何使侦查人员有效地获取犯罪嫌疑人口供这一方面的规定,而对于犯罪嫌疑人的权利保障显得不足,这导致了我国侦查讯问阶段刑讯逼供的频发。因此,我国亟需加强侦查讯问的法律控制,以遏制严重的程序违法行为。

关键词:侦查讯问  口供  侦查讯问制度  犯罪嫌疑人的权利保障


Abstract: Interrogation is investigators in accordance with legal procedures to the criminal suspect way with words concerning the case facts and other problems related to the case of a lawsuit activity. Interrogation system embodied in the criminal suspect exped filtration and security, but when the authenticity of acquiring oral confession arbitrariness and become the inevitable requirement of procedural justice. Therefore, whether continental law or Anglo-American law is a complete set of litigation procedure of criminal investigation interrogation system, this to ensure to regulate the criminal suspect not coercion statement, realize litigation justice is of great significance. China's interrogation system at present there are still many problems, our country comparison pay attention to the result of value, namely the interrogation of suspects access confession, this makes the interrogation system design more to consider how to make investigators effectively obtain the criminal suspect confession on the one hand, the provisions of the criminal suspect, but for the right protection appears insufficient, this leads to the our country stage interrogation of frequent torture. Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen interrogation of legal control in order to stop the serious illegal behavior on procedures.

Key word: Interrogation  Oral Confession  Interrogation System  Right Protection of Criminal Suspect

