
资料分类:历史论文 VIP会员(姐妹花)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-19
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关键词:中美汇率战 汇率操纵 经济主权  


Abstract: Sino-American exchange rate's fighting has long been an international economic focus since 2002. IMF has stipulated explicit standards for exchange rate manipulation, according to which the policy of China isn't enough to constitute manipulation of exchange rate. China makes sure that the right of exchange rate is of the economic sovereignty in the international sovereignty part. To this, the United States may adopt the measures including politics, law, economy, and foreign affairs, etc. In contrast, China can adopt the measures like: Value the storage of law and extensive development, the foreign trade pushes forward opening of Chinese financial industry to the economic dependence of object, decrease to the United States and on one's own initiative, actively pushes forward IMF reform and fight for China in IMF words power etc. Other Asia nations, such as Japan, Korea and Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, tell us by their own experience that insistency on the exchange rate sovereignty is a prerequisite for a nation state to become rich and strong prosperous.

Key words: Sino-American exchange rate's fighting     exchange rate manipulation economic sovereignty

