
资料分类:工商管理 VIP会员(你好,学长)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-11-20
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关键词 虚拟商品;市场开发;营销策略


Abstract:Along with the Internet technology is more and more perfect,people's communication becomes more and more convenient.Trading fast, the market of huge, choose more diverse these traditional trading mode advantage than ever, let the virtual market penetrate into People's Daily life slowly.With the rapid development momentum, virtual goods also arises at the historic moment.Almost everyone, especially young people, are exposed to virtual goods, even it has already formed a kind of consumption style.However, the creation of something new, rapid development, can't avoid will appear some problems more or less.Don't need to face to face transaction integrity problem; The lagging of the law can't keep up with the development of the rhythm and so on.Based on virtual goods from commodity market development to the marketing research,analysis of some successful examples, according to the appeal of a series of problems, how can understand in today's economic platform for virtual goods to enter people's life.

Keywords  Virtual goods  Market development  The marketing strategy



