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关键词 会计师事务所;成本控制;经济效益


Abstract:After our country joined the WTO, the market opens gradually with many famous international firms pouring into Chinese market. For our country’s certified public accountants examination standard is low, the audit market competition is getting intense and profit space is being more pressed. Audit cost is becoming an important factor which impacts the firm’s economic benefit, competitiveness, potential of survival and development, etc.

   This paper uses system analysis method, literature analysis and investigation method to investigate the small and medium-sized accounting firm’s present situation of the cost control and solve existing problems. Then it analyzes the accounting firm’s cost and finds the problem of Haian Zhongxin Accounting Firm to solve the main problems of cost control. The paper analyzes the firm's size, management cost, the audit risk costs and directly proposes solutions to haian zhongxin certified public accountants audit project cost cost control problems. 

Keywords  accounting firm   cost control   economic benefit
