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关键词:中小企业  内部控制  问题  对策


Abstract: In today's economic environment , SMEs in China has been rapid development , and occupy an important position in the national economy , has become China's economic growth , employment and labor absorption key force in maintaining social stability . However, the rapid development of the market economy has created a highly competitive market environment , one aspect of the defect is enough to be out of the market . SMEs in China due to various subjective and objective reasons, the average life expectancy generally only about three years . Internal control is an important means of modern enterprise management, enterprise risk prevention for reducing unnecessary losses and to improve the profitability of capital has a very active role. Want to make SMEs to long-term stable and healthy development of the industry to improve their competitiveness and profitability of operations , the establishment of scientifically sound internal control system is essential. Meanwhile, the status of internal control can continue to regulate SMEs with the internal control system and improved , so internal problems of SMEs to actively put forward effective proposals are of great practical significance . SMEs in this paper for the status quo analysis of internal problems , find out the main reason for their problems , and to explore to improve its internal control system, and effective measures to strengthen internal control oversight .

Keyword: Internal controls   SME  issues  countermeasures
