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摘  要:随着我国市场经济的发展,各行各业的竞争愈演愈烈,建筑施工企业之间的竞争尤为激烈,而为了在这样激烈的竞争中占有一席之地,施工企业必须要加强对其施工项目成本的控制,从而降低成本,提高企业的经济效益。



关键词:施工项目成本  湖北富华建筑安装有限公司  最佳批量经济模型


ABSTRACT:With the development of China's market economy, competition intensified all walks of life, among construction enterprises more competitive, and to the fierce competition in such a place, the construction enterprises must strengthen its construction project cost control, to reduce costs and improve economic efficiency of enterprises.

   This article from the construction project cost control theory perspective, and Hubei Fuhua Construction and Installation Co. for the study, conducted field research on the company, and then combined with the construction of a large number of project cost control relevant research data, depicting the company's construction project cost control the status quo, and for the cost of construction projects that exist in some of the more serious problems, such as the cost management of construction enterprises concept of weak, poor implementation; accounted for over 70% of project cost of materials, labor costs, machinery costs of control exist serious waste; ignore security costs, Construction quality and progress is not uniform, etc., gives the corresponding .That is, from research Hubei Fuhua Construction and Installation Co. project cost control problems and causes as a starting point, made the best material procurement and compliance responsibilities and rights EOQ model combining principles and earned value method combined with the theory control methods.

   In this paper, to seek and establish a set of Hubei Fuhua Construction and Installation Co., Ltd. in Hubei Fuhua project cost control methods, the company's future sustainable development of the construction market has a very important practical significance.

Keywords:construction project cost;hubei fuhua construction and installation Co., Ltd.;best batch economy model
