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Abstract:Through the study on the status quo of Chinese accounting computerization and exploration, we recognize that at this stage of accounting computerization in China's tremendous achievements and shortcomings, and let us face the accounting computerization in China should solve a lot of problems at the present stage, paving the way for later, enterprise development, provides valuable development experience. Computerized accounting to ensure the timeliness of accounting information and materials, ensure the correctness of accounting and accounting functions into full play, and improve staff productivity. Research at this stage of development of accounting computerization in China, to further our understanding of the accounting computerization and facilitate progress towards accounting computerization in enterprises, improving the level and efficiency of accounting work, organization of computerized accounting training units for the unemployed and to improve staff knowledge and skills. By comparison in China and abroad at this stage accounting electric is of  development and the application situation, we can full awareness to in China accounting electric is of management in the of some disadvantages, such as accounting electric is of work awareness of limitations, accounting information system role play of does not full sexual, accounting software of versatility difference, security confidential measures poor problem; these problem are is we to as soon as possible solution of, these problem of exists led we to constantly to improve itself shortcomings, squarely we of insufficient of Department, to made solution problem of method, Improve our accounting malpractice in the management and application of computerized, these are the study this article where the current significance of accounting computerization in China.

Key Words: Computerized accounting;internal control;computerized information



