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摘要:2006年2月15日,我国财政部发布了 《企业会计准则第8号——资产减值》(以下简称“新资产减值准则”)等相关会计准则,新资产减值准则在资产减值的确认、计量、记录、披露等方面都有较大的变化,其中不仅明确了资产项目计提减值的具体条件、提出了资产组的概念,更重要的是对资产项目发生减值后价值得以恢复是否允许转回已经计提的减值准备做了明确的规定。本文主要从分析新旧资产减值准则的基础上,指出新准则在实施过程中存在的问题及本人建议。 



Abstract:Feb. 15, 2006, China's Ministry of Finance issued the "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" (hereinafter referred to as "the new guidelines for impairment of assets") and other relevant accounting standards, new guidelines for asset impairment in the impairment of assets the recognition, measurement, recording, disclosure of the larger aspects of changes, not only the provision for asset impairment Ming Queliao specific condition for the proposed asset Zu the concept that important is the value of asset Fashengjianzhi Hou whether to allow the back to restore provision for impairment has been made clear. In this paper, the analysis of old and new criteria on the basis of impairment of assets, that the new guidelines in the implementation process problems and I suggest.

Key words:impairment of Assets, actual operating,impact



