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Abstract:Social management function is the basic functions of the local government, the government social management is a government on social and public affairs of a series of management activities of the process, to improve and protect people's material and cultural life for the conversion. With the rapid economic development, especially the accession to the WTO, the Chinese local government management innovation is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges; we are fully and learn from the advanced social management experience of foreign governments. However, the local government innovation and social management issues there are still many problems, such as deep-rooted idea of light management of the heavy economic, scientific and social management system is not perfect, the slow development of management techniques. The main reasons for these problems: local governments in taking economic construction as the wrong understanding, social management areas and the heavy task of government financial constraints. China's local government should be the main innovation, the innovation system, point of view of the innovative ways to accelerate the reform and innovation of social management.

Key words:Local government;Innovation;Social management function



