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Abstract:Along with the rapid growth of China's economy, and the increasing complexion of our society in recent years, the modern cities are becoming more and more fragile. They are becoming the cities which a variety of crises happened with increasing frequency, at the same time, they are being threatened by both natural and man-made disasters. Because of the constant present of these disasters, increasingly importance has been attached to safety by people. Governments of cities are formulating the corresponding public policies and regulations to deal with the crises of public interest. During the process of facing and getting over each kind of incidents, the government accumulates several lessons and ways of dealing with urban unexpected public incidents. But at present, economic globalization and   informationization in social life are developing rapidly, there is a new change affected by the unexpected incidents, which happened more sudden, destroyed more powerful, with a higher frequency and a lager extent. Meanwhile, governments should improve the emergency management system.

   The main contents of the policies and regulations to deal with the incidents can be summarized as follows. Firstly, it will expound the concept of the emergency management system and the relevant concepts. In this part, I will clearly define emergency, emergency management and emergency management systems, I will also specifically explain the traits、classifications of incidents. Next, at first it shows some achievements that we have got, and then we discuss some problems which are still existed about our emergency management system from the higher frequency of incidents, so that we can get the reasons of these problems. Finally, it generally analyses some emergency managements in some other foreign countries, so we can get some suggestions and reference from them to improve our system and make it more scientific and practical.

Key words: Emergency; government; Emergency Management; Emergency Management System





