
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(我的美女老师)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-10-27
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Abstract:State-owned cars mean government public vehicle-using, which is set up for public servants to execute public affairs easily. And it is necessary and reasonable for the existence of State-owned cars, but as a result of some reasons, there are some serious problems, which are shaking our hearts and making us anxious, in the process of the management, using and configuration of government public vehicle-using. And these problems depart from the purposes of government public vehicle-using, which are becoming a heated topic of our Part and country. The performance of problems from government public vehicle-using: The high expense and low efficiency from government public vehicle-using; The aggravated corruption because of the growing privilege consciousness; The weak supervisory punishment strength of government public vehicle-using system; The lack of sound legal protection for government public vehicle-using. In order to change this phenomenon, following reformation measures can be taken, which can guarantee the regular using of government public vehicle-using: Strengthen the education of public servants; Make the policy of using surnames consummated; Wield the market mechanism for using surnames; Make the policy of supervision consummated; Strength the relevant legislation for harder punishment.

Keywords: Government public vehicle-using; Reformation; Measure



