
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(离不开你)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-28
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关键词:农村建设 农村大学生 毕业就业


Abstract: Today to graduate, college graduate employment issues have been revealed, which is particularly notable was undoubtedly born a poor family in rural employment problem students who, many rural students are looking forward to the birth that day, Xi Jizhe in the community beings, to change their destiny, to survive in the big city skyscrapers. At the same time, society in constant progress and development in rural areas is also constantly evolving, and ultimately, the construction of rural investment in talent, but for now, human resources in rural areas is still quite scarce, this contradiction hindering rural development, then employment of contemporary rural students can choose to return home for their home development to contribute their strength it? This article is for rural construction personnel needs, and rural students' employment intentions of an investigation aimed at promoting employment of rural students and rural development.

Keywords: Rural Construction  Rural students Graduate employment



