
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(离不开你)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-28
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关键词:残疾儿童 康复治疗 社会工作


Abstract: Children are the flowers of the motherland, and disabled children need more and more care of people. Rehabilitation of disabled children should be comprehensive, not only rely on medication, but also improve their psychological quality, science and culture, the social adaptation ability and so on. Social work philosophy and rehabilitation has both the same and different places. Social work focus on the social psychological quality, disabled children adapt ability and learning ability. Taking Zhang Jiagang children's welfare institute’s a number of disabled children as the research object, distinguish the categories of disabled children and their needs, through interviews and group work practice method, to promote the social rehabilitation of disabled children from the perspective of social work, so as to achieve the therapeutic effect and promote the rehabilitation of children with disabilities treatment.

Keywords: Disabled children   Rehabilitation   Social work



