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关键词:本土化  本土元素  跨文化传播


Abstract:The prevalence of globalization to promote the localization of advertising localization and brand strategy and development, giving rise to more and more concern and attention of the local elements. Local elements in the ad's rise at the same time, the definition of local elements is an essential part of a clear understanding of the characteristics of the local elements, how to properly select and use appropriate local elements, to enable them to be more cross-cultural advertising good play, can play an important role in the foundation. Of local elements in the different categories of advertising, we found that diverse, let us also understand the diverse characteristics of its flexibility for local elements have a better understanding and explore. At the same time, although the use of local elements in the ad has many advantages and benefits, but in the end some thought-provoking anxiety and distress. Discover the problems and difficulties, to make a more in-depth development of the local elements go a more robust local elements in order to better play a huge role. 

Key Words:Localization  Local elements  Cross-cultural communication

