
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(我的男朋友)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-10-16
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Abstract:In this paper, a case was used to study the occupational social work, and the writer made a detailed analysis of IBM’s Employee aspirations plan to provide theoretical and practical experience. The case indicated that, it needs Value and methods of people-oriented corporate culture, government, the community's support, and professional services, the appropriate mode, and "holistic" and "holistic" service vision to achieve the success of the occupational social work. At the same time, we should also focus on the advantage perspective in the social work practice, and enhance mining advantageous resources from the employee's psychological capital, social capital and production, and life skills.

Key word: Employees’ aspirations plan;Employee Assistance Program;Occupational social work




