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Abstract:Juvenile delinquency refers to the behavior of their citizens under the age of 18 in violation of Penal Code shall be subject to criminal punishment. Juvenile delinquency has been a focus on the social problem of concern, and effectively reduce the probability of juvenile delinquency is the hope of the entire society. Wujin District, for a typical juvenile delinquency status quo has not yet reached a particularly serious level, but also need to pay attention. In recent years, Wujin District, juvenile delinquency increases and decreases remain within a certain range, but there tends to the characteristics of younger age, violence, gang, and only one child, out-of-school juvenile delinquency is more prominent. The reason, in addition to the minors psychological factors, mainly caused by social factors such as family, school, network results, with the increase of divorced families, many minors in this situation due to their various physiological or psychological factors, coupled with adverse culture to enrich the market of misleading, embarked on a crime of no return. The policy of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Minors Act, combined with education, supplemented by punishment "for crime, minors under the circumstances and given a lighter or mitigated punishment. Effective prevention of juvenile delinquency is to solve the primary problem of juvenile delinquency. This requires that the whole of society with strengthening the quality of the minors to purify the social environment of schools, families, social together to prevent, to achieve the desired effect.

Key words:minors, the causes of crime, the characteristics of crime, crime prevention



