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Abstract:With the further process of reform and opening up and the rapid Chinese Urbanization Process, migrant children has been gradually widespread concern in all sectors of society. Research on migrant children involves many aspects, but there is very little research on mental health status of migrant children. Using the content analysis of research document about migrant children from 2000 to 2011 in our country, we study the flow of children's mental health problems with statistical analysis methods. We use the perspective of social exclusion to study, combined with comprehensive analysis method. From the perspective of social exclusion, this article analyzes the collected data. At present, floating children's mental health status is in general. Compared with urban children, migrant children are prone to depression, anxiety and inferiority. Family, school and community are the main factors to affect the migrant children's mental health.

Key words:Social exclusion, Migrant children, Mental Health





