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   本文结合经济发展、居民收入以及社会结构的变化,从休闲目的、休闲时间、休闲内容和休闲质量等角度, 对苏北泰村居民从新中国成立以来的休闲活动做了描述,并总结出了泰村村民休闲方式变迁总体上沿着单一化、单一化向多元化转变、多元化的特征演进。另外,在描述休闲活动变迁的同时,本文以社会性别为主要切入点,分别介绍了不同时期泰村村民男女休闲方面的不同体现,从而揭示了当今社会尽管提倡男女平等,但在根深蒂固的传统思想影响下,男尊女卑的思想依然存在。男女休闲方式变迁的历史过程反映了农村居民生活质量的日益提高,传统休闲生活方式随着社会经济的发展发生了前所未有的深刻变化。

关键词 :农村村民   休闲活动   变迁   社会性别


Abstract:Leisure is increasingly important in the context of building a new socialist countryside, and as a weak link the rural residents of leisure should be paid attention by the academic and political experts. It affects the civilization and stability of rural society and affects the development and well-being of rural residents whether the rural residents do it in scientific and rational way . Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the concept of leisure in the rural residents through leisure education to level up the taste of rural residents; By increasing the income of rural residents, improve the level of economic support; Through developing the recreational resources in rural areas, broaden the channels of the rural residents of leisure.

   In this paper,combined with the change of the economic development, resident income and social structure, from the view of leisure purposes, leisure time and leisure content and casual quality we draw a description of the leisure activities from the residents of northern Jiangsu Tai Village, since the new China was established , and summed up the characteristics of the change ,that is along the road of simplification,simplification to diversity and diversity . Besides the description of the change of leisure activities ,at the same time, we take gender as the main entry point, respectively and introduce a different manifestation of difference sex of the Tai Village, which reveals that society promote gender equality, but in the deep-rooted tradition of thinking under the influence that patriarchal ideology still exists. The historical process of the men and women of leisure change reflects the increasing quality of life of rural residents, the tradition of casual lifestyle changes unprecedented and profoundly with the social and economic development.

Key words:  Rural villagers  Leisure activities  Changes   social gender



