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Abstract:An aging population and pension problems was thought to be one of the three major international social problem in the 21st century. China already entered the aging society,and As the most elderly populous country on the world,endowment is one of the problem we must dissolve. Along with the economic development,and the change of people’values. And family structure miniaturization and the trend of the squared is more and more obvious,Endowment needs of the organization is also in constant improving,Institution endowment has gradually become the important way of China's endowment. The old people's needs include material needs and spiritual requirements, and in the research of endowment institutions,the material aspects is more attentive than spiritual aspects, even if there is a spirit of demand for research, also regard old people as mental illness group, and treat them in 

the view of psychology, or to speak generally about the demand group,but the maneuverability is not strong.

    Empowerment is one of the mode of social work, it has certain of development in European and American countries or China's Hong Kong area, but still at the beginning in mainland area, but this method has many advantages,like its subject's enthusiasm, fully admit the subject, the value of the perspective view people and things with advantage characteristics . So I try to research from the perspective of the spirit of the old people in institutions, in order to help elderly people in organizations spend a full, cheerful life.

Key words :Endowment institutions; The aged; Spiritual needs; Empowerment



