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   书籍中所述的培训管理体系大多运用于普通企业,而本论文就a公司为背景展开培训管理与建立健全的体系讨论,所以首先首先通过一般提问提出为什么要研究企业员工的培训方式。使读者注意到现代企业的生产和管理技术水平已使各个同类型企业之间的差距越来越少,尤其是在所生产的产品上的差距几乎为零 时代,要想在这个竞争十分残酷的市场中取得优势通过培训提升员工的综合素质今儿提升企业在市场中的竞争力成为几乎每个企业的必然选择。这就要求企业要扩宽事业不仅要在产品和服务上有所改进还要在员工培训上多下功夫。依此结合A企业目前的实际现状,对企业培训方式深入挖掘从而做出关于A企业员工培训的重要性研究。介绍A企业目前的背景,现状企业文化,在此基础上对该企业目前对于员工培训现状进行观察研究找出存在的优点和不足。针对存在的问题找出A企业培训方式不足的根源,从而分析其内在原因。结合所学知识和当前企业培训方式的问题找出解决和应对的方案。并重新设计研究一个新的培训体系供参考。最后得出结论:在当前情况下企业的竞争越来越白热化,要想提高企业的整体的实力通过传统的单纯提高产品质量已经显得乏力了,通过科学合理的培训体系提高员工素质,从而提高企业的综合实力,这样企业才能在竞争中取得优势。   



ABSTRACT:This thesis wants to apply the knowledge to solve human resource management training in Company A's existing management problems, the analysis of the characteristics of various aspects of Company A, human resource management and training situation and the ideal situation is expected to cause the differences, and analyzes the impact of the company sound training factors, which gives companies in today's society, how to build your own training management system to improve all aspects of their strength.

   The training books are mostly used in general business management system, and the paper on the background of a company commenced training management discussions with the establishment of a sound system, so the first question first raised through general Why study approach to training employees. So that readers noticed the modern enterprise production and management skills have made various types of enterprises with the growing gap between the less, especially in the production of products of the gap is almost zero times, in order to compete in this very cruel market advantage through training to enhance the overall quality of staff Comin enhance competitiveness in the market almost every business to become the inevitable choice. This requires companies to broaden career not only in the products and services have been improved even more effort in training. A combination of business and so the current actual situation, dig for corporate training methods in order to make about the importance of training employees A study. A description of current business background, status quo corporate culture, on the basis of training for the employees of the enterprise status of the current observational study to identify the existing strengths and weaknesses. A deal with the problems to identify the root causes of inadequate corporate training methods to analyze the underlying causes. Combined with the knowledge and the current corporate training methods to find solutions to the problems and response programs. And re-design of a new training system for reference. Final conclusion: Under the current circumstances of enterprises increasingly intense competition, in order to improve the overall strength through traditional simply improve product quality has become weak, and through scientific and rational training system to improve staff quality, thereby enhancing comprehensive strength, so that enterprises can gain advantage in the competition.

Key words: human resource management; training management;  competitiveness

