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摘要: 作为第一资源,人力资源越来越受到企业的重视,企业在人力资本的开发上投入越来越多的资源。为了使企业集中有限的资源在具有核心竞争力的业务上,保持持久的竞争优势,降低管理成本,提高人力资源管理的水平,人力资源管理外包作为一种新型管理模式营运而生。然而,由于外包实施过程中存在一定的风险,人力资源管理外包往往不能达到预期效果,甚至出现损害企业利益的行为。因此,企业进行人力资源管理外包决策时,需要对外包可能带来的风险进行分析,以实施有效的风险管理,充分发挥人力资源管理外包模式的优势。本文首先研究了人力资源管理外包的内涵、理论支持及优势,并结合我国实际对如何进行人力资源管理外包的风险管理进行了探讨,以帮助企业制定合理的外包方案,合理规避人力资源管理外包的风险,达到资源最优化配置。



ABSTRACT:As the first resource, the human resources have got more and more attention from the enterprise nowadays. And more resources are devoted to the development of human capital.In order to make the enterprise focus limited resources on the business with more competitiveness, maintaining a constant competitive advantage, reducing the management cost, as well as raising the level of management ,human resource management outsourcing arises at the historic moment. However, human resource management outsourcing often cannot achieve the desired effect, or even damage the interests of the enterprise behavior due to the certain risk of the process of outsourcing. Therefore, the enterprise are exposed to fully consider the risk of outsourcing,  evaluate returns and risk size and take measures to reduce risk when it makes the  human resource management outsourcing decision, giving full play to the advantages of human resources management outsourcing mode. Through analyzing the human resource management outsourcing connotation, theoretical basis and advantages, as well as exploring how to carry out the risk management combing the condition of our county,this article will help enterprises to make reasonable plan, reasonably hedge the risks of human resource management outsourcing and eventually get the resources optimization configuration.

Key words :human resource management; outsourcing; service providers; the key competition ability; risk management



