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ABSTRACT:The source of this problem is based on experiential training can play a role in this thesis extended out, in the current economic market, more and more companies focus on team training, rational use of team strength, to enable enterprises to better development. This paper focuses on the experiential training on team-building, the first chapter of this thesis describes the research contents, meaning and use of the research methods, namely through case studies, questionnaires and literature research team collected Act the importance of building experiential training application form, focusing on team building and the application of the problems arising from the application process. The second chapter explains the background of experiential training, connotation, characteristics and classification overview of the theory, provide a theoretical basis for the entire article. Meanwhile overview of experiential training development and application forms. Chapter III data show firstly the importance of team building and team building experiential training in the application of the ratio, followed by description of cases and experiential training enumerated a number of projects, so that the role of experiential training is more clear, and finally analyze cases and projects how to play a role in team building. The fourth chapter analyzes the impact of experiential training in team building factors play a role, from the perspective of enterprises and training institutions to elaborate and give operational recommendations. This chapter mainly describes the inadequacies of writing and the future outlook for experiential training.

Keywords: Experiential Training;Team building;Outward Bound;Influence;Suggestion

