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摘 要:我国对外贸易规模和对外贸易结构自改革开放以来,开始利用FDI(Foreign Direct Investment,外商直接投资)并且吸收值越来越大,得到了极大地改善。有关数据表明,外资在对我国的出口贸易产生了很大的作用。但是外资对于我国出口结构的积极作用却很有限。这个原因与外商投资的方式结构、我国投资环境、政策体制的矛盾有关。我国应该努力的提升本国的高技术产业,增加产品的国际竞争力。并且明确规定引进外资的目标和完善相关政策。是我国对外贸易能够可持续的快速发展下去。

   本论文围绕外商直接投资对我国出口贸易的影响分析这一中心,从当前我国经济发展形势及出口贸易的数据分析,逐步引入外商直接投资对我国出口贸易影响的基本理论。本文在实证分析阶段通过变量的协整关系检验(Co-integration Test)全面的分析FDI与我国出口贸易的关系。结果表明,FDI对我国出口贸易均有积极的促进作用,不管是长期还是短期。经过对我国利用外商直接投资的分析研究发现存在的问题,并且提出有针对性的对策,以优化我国的产业结构和促进我国出口贸易的发展。



ABSTRACT:After reform and opening of China's foreign trade scale and structure of foreign trade, China began to use FDI (Foreign Direct Investment, foreign direct investment) and increasing absorption and has been greatly improved. The data show that foreign investment in our country's export trade had a great role. However, the structure of foreign investment for the positive role of China's exports is limited. For this reason and the way the structure of foreign investment . China's investment environment and related policy regimes contradiction. China should strive to enhance the country's high-tech industries, to increase the international competitiveness of products. And clearly defined objectives to attract foreign investment and improve related policies. China's foreign trade to the rapid development of sustainable indefinitely.

   This thesis focus on foreign direct investment on China's export trade impact analysis of the center, from the current situation of China's economic development and export trade data analysis, the gradual introduction of foreign direct investment on China's export trade impact of the basic theory. Based on the empirical analysis phase through variable cointegration test (Co-integration Test) comprehensive analysis of  FDI  and China's export trade relations. The results show that, FDI on China's exports have a positive role in promoting trade, whether it is long-term or short-term. After China's use of foreign direct investment on the analysis of the problems found, and propose targeted measures to optimize China's industrial structure and promote the development of China's export trade.

Keywords: FDI;export trade;Industrial structure
