
资料分类:管理论文 VIP会员(雨橙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-08
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关键词:  条码技术 物流管理 物流信息


ABSTRACT:In this paper, logistics management, it explains the rapid development of modern society make it increasingly inseparable from the computer and other high-tech technology, and on top of continuous development and innovation, so as to develop or evolve into new technologies for industries application. Barcode is one of a new generation of technology, logistics management produced a role. With the social development of the logistics industry continue to a new level and become important throughout the industry, "link", and to keep the information, the data of the advance. Article reflects the role of barcode technology in all aspects of logistics widely used, while bar code technology, easy operation, low cost, information technology and other advantages not only in the now so widely used, but also in the future will be more rapid development and improvement, in logistics management, the prospects are very broad. Finally, some solutions and response measures.

Key words:Bar code technology ; logistics information;logistics management




