
资料分类:管理论文 VIP会员(雨橙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-08
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关键词:物流管理 库房管理 信息化 医药物流 现代物流


ABSTRACT:Rapid development along with the development of economy, logistics, medical materials warehouse management division, a new research subject. Over the years revolves around information management and diversified products flow of debate, has greatly promoted the warehouse management of the innovation of medical materials. In emergency increasingly development today, the realization of medical material flow is of great significance.

   Hospital scale expands unceasingly, the management of medical consumables warehouse requirements higher and higher. The current medical consumables warehouse management system has not completely meet the needs of hospital material management. Medical consumable warehouse to change the status quo, improve the management mechanism, it is necessary for the current actual situation of hospital consumables warehouse, develop a new set of medical consumables warehouse management information system.

Keywords: Logistics management;depot management;informatization;medicine logistics;modern logistics




